405 Ibs/184 Kilo Deadlift (Raw) convert youtube to avi
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This was an old deadlift video I made, and added on my account Jerichosquink on March 23, 2008
I took a 3 month break off deadlifting and finally decided to try it at home.
405 Ibs/184 Kilo Deadlift (Raw)
-Conventional Sytle
-No straps, no chalk.
-No deadlift suit
Best Gym Deadlift:
-410 pounds without chalk (Conventional)
-455 pounds with chalk (Sumo an Conventional style)
-490 pounds with straps (Sumo Style)
-315x10 reps (Conventional and Sumo style)
-385X5 Thumbless deadlifts (Sumo style)
-405x3 (Sumo)
-405x2 (Conventional)
-405x5 (Straps and Sumo)
I did all those when I was 175-165 pounds
Best Competition lift:
-445 pounds with chalk
-Weight class = 165 pounds
Current Bodyweight/Height:
-Weight = 220 pounds
-Height = 5'7
-Bodyfat= 21%
If I lose some weight I may compete as a powerlifter again or maybe even try to go into bodybuilding.
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405 Ibs/184 Kilo Deadlift (Raw) Video
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